Costa Rica Estates - Houses & Villas

Our selection of houses and villas in Costa Rica

Property in Hojancha with 4 houses

Property type: Multifamily
Property ID: 1493
Lot size: 0,12 ha

+++ 4 houses on 13,000 sqft (1199 m²) +++ centrally located in Hojancha +++ in the middle of the Blue Zone of the Nicoya Peninsula +++

This region is much sought after. Just a short ride to the Pacific Ocean, yet the climate is a bit cooler.


GardenMountain & valley view

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Registered broker with the Supervisory Authority SUGEF (Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras) in accordance with Section 15 of Law 7786.



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Bluezone Inmobiliaria T J Sociedad Anónima
Fully Registered Real Estate Broker
Carmona, Canton de Nandayure, Provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Email: info [at]

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